RESEARCH 2023.11.29 The influence of cash assistance on the localisation agenda in Kenya’s humanitarian sector Pablo V. Holm-Nielsen, Peter Furu and Emmanuel Raju from COPE and the School of Global Health have published a paper in Jàmbá - Journal of Disaster Risk Studies titled: The influence of cash assistance on the…
Research 2023.11.29 Extreme poverty rendering Madagascar vulnerable to underreported extreme heat would not have occurred without climate change Researchers Nick Baumgart and Emmanuel Raju from COPE and the School of Global Health join their peers in this new study (featured on the Guardian) titled "Extreme poverty rendering Madagascar highly vulnerable to…
Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2023 2023.11.23 Reflections on the Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2023 Three students studying Disaster Risk Management - Katharina Bucsits, Madeline Ewbank and Christos Tsampoulatidis - attended HC Berlin in-person and share their takeaways on key themes below.
LINKS EU Project 2023.10.27 Targeting communication in disasters Targeting communication for different groups of citizens based on their individual needs and capacities allow for efficient disaster risk management.
CONFERENCE 2023.10.23 NEEDS Conference 2023 The NEEDS conference aims to explore the status quo and to foster new approaches to disaster research and management.
COVID-19 2023.09.29 Network on Transboundary Pandemic Crises Governance Over the course of the last two years researchers & practitioners from a range of disciplines gathered online over two workshops to examine matters of governance, policy, inequity and vulnerability in relation to the…
Research 2023.08.29 Emergency management in small remote communities in the Nordic countries Across the Nordic countries, climate change-related incidents will add further strain to the contemporary emergency management system. Climate-related hazards occur more frequently and on a large scale and will thereby…
Award 2023.08.28 Michele di Marco, Disaster Management Alumni part of Design for Healthcare SURGE: A Toolkit for the African Region The WHO Téchne, the WHO Regional Office for Africa and the Téchne member Politecnico di Torino were awarded the first prize of the UIA International Innovative Health Design Awards 2023 under the category: Theoretical…
Research 2023.08.25 Critical questions on learning from the COVID-19 disaster in India New study critically analyses the Government of India’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic as a disaster.