WEBINAR 2024.08.06 Webinar on CliCNord - the Main Findings: Full Recording On June 6 2024, the Copenhagen Center for Disaster Research, along with University College…
PERSPECTIVE 2024.08.05 We are all Storytellers: Art and Narrative as a tool for climate and humanitarian communication at the Red Cross Climate Centre Raramai is a former MSc Global health student at University of Copenhagen. She specialised in…
PERSPECTIVE 2024.08.05 The Influence of Cash Assistance on Disaster Response and the Humanitarian System Pablo V. Holm-Nielsen defended his PhD thesis “The Influence of Cash Assistance on Disaster Respons…
RESEARCH 2024.06.18 Urban planning at the heart of increasingly severe East African flood impacts in a warming world COPE Director Emmanuel Raju and Global Health Student Nick Baumgart are co-authors of the report…
PERSPECTIVE 2024.06.11 Unravelling Water Scarcity and Pathogen Transmission: PhD Research Stay in Bangladesh Sara Almeida is a PhD fellow at COPE and her research is part of the DANIDA funded WatScarce…
INTERVIEW 2024.06.11 Interview with Kristoffer Langkjær Albris COPE interviews Kristoffer Albris, Associate Professor at Anthropology and SODAS, University of…
COPE Seminar: Policy Making during Crises Join us as professors Petridou and Sparf present their new book “Policy Entrepreneurs, Crises, and Policy Change”, published by Cambridge University Press. Six case studies are examined on how policy entrepreneurs…
Climate Breakfast Seminar Series: Bali -> Copenhagen -> Paris: A Genealogy of the Paris Agreement In this talk, Professor Vito De Lucia will offer a genealogy of the Paris Agreement by looking back at the process that started in Bali in 2007 with the adoption of the Bali Roadmap and which led, by way of a set of…