
Below you will find a list of relevant publications by COPE members, grouped by year. 




Arias, P. A., Rivera, J. A., Sörensson, A. A., Zachariah, M., Barnes, C., Philip, S., Kew, S., Vautard, R., Koren, G., Pinto, I., Vahlberg, M., Singh, R., Raju, E., Li, S., Yang, W., Vecchi, G. A., & Otto, F. E. L. (2024). Interplay between climate change and climate variability: the 2022 drought in Central South America. Climatic Change177(1), [6].

Clark, N. E., Boersma, K., Bonati, S., Fonio, C., Gehlhar, S., Habig, T., Larruina, R., Lüke, R., Morelli, S., Bach Nielsen, A., Opromolla, A., Pazzi, V., & Raju, E. (2024). Exploring the impacts of social media and crowdsourcing on disaster resilience. Open Research Europe

Clark, N. E., Boersma, K., Bonati, S., Fonio, C., Gehlhar, S., Habig, T., Larruina, R., Lüke, R., Morelli, S., Bach Nielsen, A., Opromolla, A., Pazzi, V., & Raju, E. (2024). Exploring the impacts of social media and crowdsourcing on disaster resilience. Open Research Europe.

Cullen, M., Witjes, N., Cullen, M. (red.), & Scott, M. (red.) (Accepteret/In press). Losing home without going anywhere: Reconceptualising climate-related displacement in international law and policy in ways relevant to Inuit in Greenland. I Nordic Approaches to Climate-Related Human Mobility Routledge. Routledge Studies in Environmental Migration, Displacement and Resettlement. 
Cullen, M., Holm, B. S., & Olsen, C. E. J. L. B. (Accepteret/In press). Displacement, Relocation, and the Legacies of Colonialism: A Human Rights-Based Approach to Disaster Risk Management in Greenland. Yearbook of International Disaster Law, (Thematic Issue on Human Rights).
Cullen, M. (Accepteret/In press). Climate Change, Colonialism and Human Rights in Greenland. I P. Butler, & J. P. Gauci (red.), Small States and International Law Brill.

Cullen, M., & Scott, M. (red.) (Accepteret/In press). Nordic Approaches to Climate-Related Human Mobility. Routledge.

Eriksson, K., Sjöström, J., & Vermina Plathner, F. (2024). “This community will grow”—Little concern for future wildfires in a dry and increasingly hotter Swedish rural community. Regional Environmental Change, 24(2), 69. 

Heidenreich, S., & Næss, R. (2024a). Controlling the water: Citizens’ place–related adaptation to landslides in mid-Norway. Regional Environmental Change, 24(2), 39.

Heidenreich, S., & Næss, R. (2024b). Wilder and wetter climate will challenge small municipalities: Managing landslide risk. 5.

Kongsager, R. (2024). The tunnels are a prerequisite for living here: Lessons from the Faroe Islands on how push-pull factors affect populations in small remote communities . Fróðskaparrit - Faroese Scientific Journal , (70), 36-59.

Kongsager, R., & Baron, N. (2024). Place attachment, storms, and climate change in the Faroe Islands. Regional Environmental Change24(2), Artikel 43.

Kvarnlöf, L., & Eriksson, K. (2024). Filling the void: Rural disaster volunteerism during the Swedish wildfires of 2018. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 105, 104393.

Makaula, P., Kayuni, S. A., Mamba, K. C., Bongololo, G., Funsanani, M., Juziwelo, L. T., Musaya, J., & Furu, P. (2024). Mass drug administration campaigns: comparing two approaches for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths prevention and control in selected Southern Malawi districtsBMC Health Services Research24(1), 11.

McGowran, P., Matthew, M., Johns, H., Harasym, M., Raju, E., & Ayeb-Karlsson, S. (2024). Investigating the conditions of vulnerability experienced by migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kerala, India. Disasters48(2), [e12614].

Nielsen, A. B., Landwehr, D. R., Nicolaï, J. É., Patil, T., & Raju, E. (2024). Social media and crowdsourcing in disaster risk management: Trends, gaps, and insights from the current state of research: 灾害风险管理中的社交媒体与众包: 当前研究状况的趋势、差距与见解. Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy

Raju, E., Goswami, S., Fernando, N., Rashid, M., Akter, E., Bhotia, N.D., Sharan, A., Bhatt, M. and Gaillard, J.C. (2024), "A conversation towards post-colonial futures for disaster risk reduction in South Asia", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Raju, E., Morsut, C., Rubin, O., Kovács, G., von Schreeb, J., King, C., & Bach Nielsen, A. (2024). Rethinking Vulnerability in the Nordic countries: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction107, Article 104474. 

Rubin, O., King, C., von Schreeb, J., Morsut, C., Kovács, G., & Raju, E. (2024). The COVID-19 quandemic. Globalization and Health20(1), Article 19. 

Zaman, A. W., Rubin, O., & Staupe-Delgado, R. (2024). The challenges experts face during creeping crises: the curse of complacency. Policy and Politics52(1), 131-152. 



Albris, K. (2023). Resiliens - social. I K. Wiberg (red.), Den Lille Blå Parlør om Havvandstigning (s. 96-97). Arkitektskolens Forlag. 

Albris, K. (2023). ‘Our Society Works’: Disaster Solidarity and Models of Social Life in the Elbe River Valley. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology. 

Albris, KL (2023). Regional Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2023: Europe and Central Asia. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). 

Andersen, N. B., Nielsen, A. B., & Bonati, S. (2023). An intersectional analysis of overt and hidden vulnerabilities to flood risk in urban Denmark. Abstract fra NEEDS CONFERENCE 2023: BUILDING DISASTER RESILIENT SOCIETIES, Enschede, Holland.

Andersen, NB , Nielsen, AB, Hill, L. , & Baron, N. (2023). Building flood resilient communities in low level risk awareness environments . Abstract from NEEDS CONFERENCE 2023: BUILDING DISASTER RESILIENT SOCIETIES, Enschede, The Netherlands.

Andersen, NB , Patil, T., Nielsen, AB, & Raju, E. (2023). Policy brief: Targeting communication in disasters . WONDER 

Andrew, K., Clara, R. M., & Raju, E. (2023). Editorial: Climate services for risk informed anticipatory action. Frontiers in Climate, 5. 

Baron, N. , Andersen, NB , Taarup, J. , & Kongsager, R. (2023). Emergency management in small remote communities – an urgent issue in the Nordic countries . In Fast track to vision 2030 (pp. 152-156). Nordic research. 

 Baron, N., & Kongsager, R. (2023). How sense of place influence perspectives on flood risk prevention on small Danish Islands. Abstract fra Beyond crisis/Beyond normal.

Bonati, S., Nardini, O., Boersma, K., & Clark, N. (2023). Unravelling dynamics of vulnerability and social media use on displaced minors in the aftermath of Italian earthquakes. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 89, 1-16. Article 103632. Advance online publication. 

Boyd, E., Otto, F. E., Paolo De Rosa, S., Stuart-smith, R., Harrington, L. J., Raju, E., Jones, R. G., S, J., James, R., & Lauta, K. C. (Accepted/In press). Socialising Attribution of Climate Events: Progress, Myths and Future Outlook. SSRN Electronic Journal. 

Brichet, N., Brieghel, S. S., & Hastrup, F. (2023). Feral Kinetics and Cattle Research Within Planetary Boundaries. Animals, 13 (5), [802]. 

Bruun, O., & Rubin, O. (2023). Authoritarian Environmentalism – Captured Collaboration in Vietnamese Water Management. Environmental Management, 71(3), 538-550. Advance online publication. 

Cullen, M. (2023). Climate Resilience and the Cook Islands' Relationship of Free Association with Aotearoa / New Zealand. Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS. 

Cullen, M. , & Olsen, CEJLB (2023). Climate Change and Human Rights in the Overseas Colonized Territories of the State . In D. Lupin (Ed.), A Research Agenda on Human Rights and the Environment (pp. 143-158). Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Cullen, M., & Munro, J. (2023). Preventing Disasters and Displacement: How Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Can Advance Local Resilience. I G. Zyberi, J. Karlsson Schaffer, C. Lingaas, & E. Sanchez Madrigal (red.), Reflections on the Future of Human Rights, Routledge. 

Dahlberg, R., & Krogh, A. H. (2023). Krisetiden har ændret danskernes opfattelse af risiko. Altinget. 

Dahlberg, R., Hansen, J. V., Madsen, P. H., Tetzlaff, A. H., & Zilmer-Johns, M. (2023). Kronik: Danmark bør få en beredskabsminister, så overblik og ansvar samles ét sted. Berlingske Tidene, 26–26. 

de Vries, D., Rubin, O., & Toro-Alzate, L. (2023). Evidence-based advice processes for long-term care facilities in the COVID-19 pandemic: Aggregate report from After-Action reviews in Georgia and Norway during the emergence of the Omicron variant of concern of SARS-CoV-2. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. 

Dokken, M., Raju, E., & Sørensen, J. B. (2023). The Rains Never Came: Exploring frames of drought and suicide in Indian newspaper articles. 318. Abstract from IASP 32nd World Congres, Slovenia.

Enggaard, TR , Isfeldt, ASH , Kvist Møller, AH , Carlsen, HAB , Albris, K. , & Blok, A. (2023). Inter-Risk Framing Contests: The Politics of Issue Attention among Scandinavian Climate NGOs during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Sociology.

Erik, B., de Vries, D., Rubin, O., & Zaman, A. W. (2023). The Swedish advice-making process for distance learning in schools, November 2020 − April 2021: An after-action review. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

Eriksson, K., Heidenreich, S., & Baron, N. (2023). How to improve climate change adaptation in rural areas of the Nordic Region. I Fast track to vision 2030 (s. 68-72). Nordforsk. 

Grant, S. L., Lange, S., Almeida, S., Hoque, B., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2023). Influence of Seasonal Hazards on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene–Related Behavior and Implications for Cholera Transmission in Bangladesh. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 108(3), 518-523. 

Gregersen, E. M., Astrupgaard, S. L., Jespersen, M. H., Gårdhus, T., & Albris, K. (2023). Digital Dependence: Online Fatigue and Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Lockdown. Media, Culture & Society, 45(5), 967-984. 

Holm, I. W. (2023). Dette zittrende Moment: Angst og katastrofe i Søren Kierkegaards Begrebet Angest. I M. F. Christensen, & A. E. Dam (red.), Angst i dansk litteratur (s. 51-74). Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 

Jensen, P. K. M., Hossain, Z. Z., Sultana, R., Ferdous, J., Almeida, S., & Begum, A. (2023). Introduction of the Personal Domain in Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), a New Approach to Identify Missing Health Impacts. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 8(5). 

Kongsager, R. (2023). Indigenous and local knowledge on adaptive responses to climate hazards in remote areas: – a comparative case study in Nordic contexts. Abstract fra NEEDS CONFERENCE 2023: BUILDING DISASTER RESILIENT SOCIETIES, Enschede, Holland. 

Kongsager, R. (2023). Jordskælv i Tyrkiet: Kan det nogensinde blive sikkert at bo et sted, hvor Jorden ofte 'ryster sig'? Videnskab.dk2023 

Larruina, R., Clark, N. E., Graziani, F., Froio, C., Roeloffs, E., Luke, R., Blom Andersen, N., Stolpe Meyer, L., Hingmann, N., & Hamchers, A. (2023). D6.6 Final report on the LINKS Framework application in a broader context. LINKS Consortium (EU). 

Larruina, R., Clark, N. E., Graziani, F., Froio, C., Roeloffs, E., Luke, R., Habing, T., Blom Andersen, N., Hamchers, A., & Fonio, C. (2023). D6.5 Second LINKS case and broader context report. LINKS Consortium (EU). 

Matti, S., Cullen, M., Reichardt, U., & Vigfúsdóttir, A. (2023). Planned Relocation due to Landslide-triggered Tsunami Risk in Recently Deglaciated Areas. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 86, [103536]. 

Mbereko, A., Chimbari, M. J., Furu, P., & Mukaratirwa, S. (2023). Health institutional dynamics in the management of malaria and bilharzia in Zimbabwe in the advent of climate change: A case study of Gwanda district. Cogent Social Sciences, 9(1), [2215632]. 

McGowran, P., Johns, H., Raju, E., & Ayeb-Karlsson, S. (2023). The making of India's COVID-19 disaster: A Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Assemblage analysis. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 93, [103797]. 

McGowran, P., Matthew, M., Johns, H., Harasym, M., Raju, E., & Ayeb-Karlsson, S. (Accepted/In press). Investigating the conditions of vulnerability experienced by migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kerala, India. Disasters

Monich, A., Villanueva Holm-Nielsen, P., & Raju, E. (2023). The stagnation of innovation in humanitarian cash assistance. Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 8, [4].

Nedergaard, M., & Baron, N. (2023). Water under the bridge: how place meanings shape second homeowners’ engagement in flood risk management in southern Denmark. Regional Environmental Change, 23(4), Artikel 162. 

Nielsen, A. B., Bonati, S., & Andersen, N. B. (2023). Discover the dynamics: An intersectional analysis of overt and hidden vulnerabilities to flood risk in urban Denmark. Landscape and Urban Planning, 237, [104799]. 

Nielsen, A. B., Raju, E., Landwehr, D. R., Nicolaï, J. É., Patil, T., & Andersen, N. B. (2023). LEVERAGING SOCIAL MEDIA AND CROWDSOURCING IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT PROCESSES IN EUROPE. LINKS Consortium (EU). 

Nielsen, L. R., Brichet, N., Nielsen, C. K., Eriksson, K. B., Brieghel, S. S., & Hastrup, F. (2023). Hvordan kan kvæg holdes til produktion af mælk og oksekød uden at skade klodens sundhed? In De litterære folkehøringer. Giv naturen en stemme (pp. 148-152)

Otto F, Minnerop P, Raju E, Harrington L, Stuart-Smith RF, Boyd E et al. (2023). A Response to 'Attribution Science and the Fate of Climate Change Litigation' - Benoit Mayer. Global Policy. 2023;14(2):416-416. 

Otto, F. E. L., & Raju, E. (2023). Harbingers of decades of unnatural disasters. Communications Earth and Environment, 28. 

Otto, F. E. L., Minnerop, P., Raju, E., Harrington, L. J., Stuart-Smith, R. F., Boyd, E., James, R., Jones, R. G., & Lauta, K. C. (2023). Law, justice and the role of courts in changing the social superstructure narrative in climate litigation: A Rejoinder to Benoit Mayer. Global Policy, 14(2), 416-419. 

Otto, F. E. L., Zachariah, M., Saeed, F., Siddiqi, A., Kamil, S., Mushtaq, H., T, A., Achutarao, K., S T, C., Barnes, C., Philip, S., Kew, S. F., Vautard, R., Koren, G., Pinto, I., Wolski, P., Vahlberg, M., Singh, R., Arrighi, J., ... Clarke, B. (2023). Climate change increased extreme monsoon rainfall, flooding highly vulnerable communities in Pakistan. Environmental Research: Climate, 2, [025001]. 

Raju, E., Singh, C., & Geschewski, H. (2023). Temperatures on the Rise: Adapting to Heat Extremes in South Asia. Conversation on the Nordic Asia Podcast. Disaster Prevention and Management. 

Rand, J., Castro Rodriguez, P., Tarp, F., & Trifkovic, N. (2023). Economic and environmental upgrading after a policy reform: The case of timber value chain in Myanmar. Journal of Rural Studies, 99, 20-34. 

Rivera , J. A., Arias, P. A., Sörensson, A. A., Zachariah, M., Barnes, C., Philip, S., kew, S., Vautard, R., Koren, G., Pinto, I., Vahlberg, M., Singh, R., Raju, E., Li, S., Yang, W., Vecchi, G., Harrington, L., & Otto, F. E. L. (2023). 2022 early-summer heatwave in Southern South America: 60 times more likely due to climate change. Climatic Change, 176, [102]. 

Rubin, O., de Vries, D., & Toro-Alzate, L. (2023). Evidence-based advice processes for long-term care facilities in the COVID-19 pandemic: Report from the after-action review (AAR) in Norway during the emergence of the Omicron variant of concern of SARS-CoV-2. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

Saima, S., Ferdous, J., Sultana, R., Rashid, R. B., Almeida, S., Begum, A., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2023). Detecting Enteric Pathogens in Low-Risk Drinking Water in Dhaka, Bangladesh: An Assessment of the WHO Water Safety Categories. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 8(6). 

Staupe-Delgado, R., & Rubin, O. (2023). What makes an acute emergency? Temporal manifestation patterns and global health emergencies. Third World Quarterly, 44(8), 1790-1806. Advance online publication. 

Tasantab, J. C., Thyaparan, G., Toinpre, O., & Raju, E. (2023). Simulation-Based Learning in Tertiary-Level Disaster Risk Management Education: A Class-Room Experiment. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 14(1). 

Villanueva Holm-Nielsen, P., Furu, P., & Raju, E. (2023). The Influence of Cash Assistance on the Localisation Agenda in Kenya’s Humanitarian Sector. Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 15(1), [a1496]. 

Zachariah, M., T, A., Achutarao, K. M., Saeed, F., Jha, R., Dhasmana, M. K., Mondal, A., Bonnet, R., Vautard, R., Philip, S., Kew, S., Vahlberg, M., Singh, R., Arrighi, J., Heinrich, D., Thalheimer, L., Marghidan, C. P., Kapoor, A., Van Aalst, M., ... Otto, F. E. L. (2023). Attribution of 2022 early-spring heatwave in India and Pakistan to climate change: lessons in assessing vulnerability and preparedness in reducing impacts. Environmental Research: Climate, 2(4), [045005]. 



Albris, K. & Lauta, K. C. (2021). Causing Wrong While Doing Good: On the Question of Liability for Volunteers in Emergencies. Environmental Hazards, 20(1), 78-91.  

Berkel, H. M., Tarp, F., & Fisker, P. K. (2021). Cash grants to manufacturers after Cyclone Idai: RCT Evidence from Mozambique. UNU-WIDER

Berkel, H. M., Fisker, P. K., & Tarp, F. (2021). Cyclone impacts on manufacturing firms in Mozambique. UNU-WIDER.

Bonati, S., Fonio, C., Gehlhar, S., Raju, E., & Nielsen, A. B. (2021). ASSESSING THE FRAMEWORK – THE LINKS APPROACH

Broberg, M., & Martinez Romera, B. (2021). Loss and Damage after Paris: All Talk and No Action? In M. Broberg, & B. Martinez Romera (Eds.), The Third Pillar of International Climate Change Policy: On ‘Loss and Damage’ after the Paris Agreement. Routledge.

Cullen, M. (2021). The IOM’s Status as a “UN-related” Organization, and the Consequences for People Displaced by Climate Change. In: Kent, A. & Behrman, S. (eds.), Climate Refugees: Global and Critical Approaches. Cambridge University Press (in press)

Ferdous, J., Sultana, R., Rashid, R. B., Saima, S., Begum, A., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2021). Comparative Assessment of Fecal Contamination in Piped-to-Plot Communal Source and Point-of-Drinking Water. Water, 13(9), [1139]. 

Holm, I. W. (2021). The Prophetic Tone in True Detective: Sensing the Time of the Future Disaster. In K. Kverndokk, A. Eriksen, & M. R. Bjærke (Eds.), Naming the Time: Climate Change, Chronotopes and Temporality Routledge.

Hossain, Z. Z., Sultana, R., Begum, A., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2021). Investigation of the Domestic Reservoirs of Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in Diarrhea Case Households of Urban Bangladesh. Current Microbiology, 78, 2534–2547.

Jensen, P. K. M., Grant, S. L., Perner, M. L., Hossain, Z. Z., Ferdous, J., Sultana, R., Almeida, S., Phelps, M., & Begum, A. (2021). Historical and contemporary views on cholera transmission: are we repeating past discussions? Can lessons learned from cholera be applied to COVID-19? A P M I S. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica (Online)

Kongsager, R. (2021). Derfor er coronakrisen en kæmpe mulighed for klimaet. In  

Krüger, M. & Albris, K. (2021). Resilience Unwanted: Between Control and Cooperation in Disaster Response. Security Dialogue. December 2020.

Lauta, K. C. (2021). The Eternal Emergency? Denmark’s Legal Response to COVID-19 in Review. Verfassungsblog

Lauta, K. C. (2021). Katastrofer: Og hvad de kan lære os om os selv. People's Press

Lauta, K. C. (2021). Katastrofer, ret og retfærdighed. Det Unge Akademi. Årsskrift, 10-13. 

Lauta, K. C., Liu, H-Y., Avin , S., & Weitzdörfer, J. (2021). Window Peeping at Dystopia: Fukushima as a case for Existential Risk(s)? In J. Weitzdörfer , & K. Lauta (Eds.), The Fukushima Disaster: Five Years On Cambridge University Press. 

Louise, M., Rubin, O., Erik, B., & Humboldt-Dachroeden, S. (2021). Attention to the Tripartite’s one health measures in national action plans on antimicrobial resistance. Journal of Public Health Policy, 42, 236-248. [42].


Raju, E., & Schmid, B. (2021). COVID-19 & Urban Informal Settlements- Time to Rethink Vulnerability! In N. Palacios (Ed.), Pandemic Resilient Cities (1 ed.). Emergency Architecture and Human Rights.

Raju, E., Dutta, A., & Ayeb-Karlsson, S. (2021). COVID-19 in India: Who are we leaving behind? Progress in Disaster Science , 10, [100163].

Raju, E. (2021). Moving from Response to Recovery- What happens to Coordination? In J. Mendes, G. Kalonji, R. Jigyasu, & A. Chang-Richards (Eds.), Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk (1 ed.). Elsevier. 

Raju, E. (2021). NO NATURAL DISASTERS! Review of “Cooked: Survival by Zip Code”. March 5, 2021.

Rubin, O. (2021). Decision-making during societal disruptions. Baltic Rim Economies (BRE) review, 2021(3). 

Rubin, O., Errett, N., Upshur, R., & Erik, B. (2021). The challenges facing evidence-based decision-making in the initial response to COVID-19. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.

Schmid, B., Raju, E., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2021). COVID-19 and Business Continuity - Learning from the private sector and humanitarian actors in Kenya. Progress in Disaster Science, 11, [100181].

Silvast, A., Kongsager, R., Lehtonen, T.K., Virtanen, M. & Lundgren, M. (2021). Critical infrastructure vulnerability: A research note on adaptation to climate change in the Nordic countries. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography.

Stuart-Smith, R. F., Otto, F. E. L., Saad, A. I., Lisi, G., Minnerop, P., Lauta, K. C., van Zwieten, K., & Wetzer, T. (2021). Filling the evidentiary gap in climate litigation. Nature Climate Change.

Sultana, R., Luby, S. P., Gurley, E. S., Rimi, N. A., Swarna, S. T., Khan, J. A. M., Nahar, N., Ghosh, P. K., Howlader, S. R., Kabir, H., Khan, S., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2021). Cost of illness for severe and non-severe diarrhea borne by households in a low-income urban community of Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases , 15(6), [e0009439]. 

Taarup-Esbensen, J. (2021). Business continuity management in Greenland – Arctic mining preparedness for business continuity events. Safety Science, 137(May)





Albris, K., Lauta, K. C., & Raju, E. (2020). Disaster Knowledge Gaps: Exploring the Interface between Science and Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 11(1), 1-12. 

Albris, K., Lauta, K. C. & Raju, E. (2020). Strengthening Governance for Disaster Prevention: The Enhancing Risk Management Capabilities Guidelines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 47, [101647]. 

Baron, N. (2020). Flood protection beyond protection against floods: How to make sense of controversies related to the building and maintenance of dikes in Denmark. Natural Hazards, 103, 967-984.

Baron, N. (2020). Genoprettelsesperioden efter stormen Bodils ødelæggelser i Jyllinge Nordmark i 2013/2014. Baggrundsrapport (The recovery period after storm Bodil’s destruction in Jyllinge Nordmark in 2013/2014. Background report). Kystdirektoratet. (Dansk) (English

Bekele, M., Bezabih, M., Elias, H., Fisker, P. K., Gebrehiwot, T., Kuma, T., Mekasha, T. J., Mekonnen, A., Tarp, F., & Teklewold, H. (2020). Building Resilience to Climate Change in Ethiopia: What do we know so far? Publications of the Development Economic Research Group (DERG) No. 01-2020 

Clark, N. and Albris, K. (2020). In the Interest(s) of Many: Governing Data in Crises. Politics and Governance, 8(4), 421-431.

Cullen, M. (2020) Disaster, Displacement and International Law: Legal Protections in the Context of a Changing Climate. Politics and Governance, 8(4), 270.

Daisy, S. S., Saiful Islam, A. K. M., Akanda, A. S., Faruque, A. S. G., Amin, N., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2020). Developing a forecasting model for cholera incidence in Dhaka megacity through time series climate data. Journal of Water and Health, 18(2), 207-223. 

Dulloo, A., Loepsinger, A., Rafalowski, C., Auferbauer, D., Laist, I., Juul Hansen, L., de Silva, M. I., Bird, M., Lanfranc, M., Rigall, N., Baron, N., Tagliacozzo, S., Tagarev, T. (Ed.), & Wiedemann, N. (Ed.). (2020). New ways of volunteering. Opportunities and Challenges. A working paper and toolbox for care and support for spontaneous unaffiliated volunteers. The DRIVER+ project and CMINE

Dutta, A., & Raju, E. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic is a Battle for Science. Chakra, 107-112. 

Espinoza, C.S. and Rand, J. (2020). Pesticide Use, Production Risk and Shocks. The Case of Rice Producers in Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Management, 253, 109705.

Henson, S., Kambhampati, U., Mogues, T., Olsen, W.,Prowse, M., Ramos, R., Rand, J., Rasieh, R., Roelen, K., Tiessen, R. and Yap, F. (2020). The Development Impacts of COVID-19 at Home and Abroad: Politics and Implications of Government Action. European Journal of Development Research, 32(5), 1339-1352. 

Hilhorst, D., Boersma, K., & Raju, E. (2020). Research on Politics of Disaster Risk Governance: Where Are We Headed? Politics and Governance, 8(4), 214-219. 

Kongsager, R. (2020). Hvorfor er vores frygt for klimaændringer så forskellig? In  

Kongsager, R. (2020). Klimaændringerne kan give os flere infektionssygdomme som coronavirus. In Berlingske.  

Malmgren-Hansen, D., Sohnesen, T., Fisker, P., & Baez, J. (2020). Sentinel-1 change detection analysis for cyclone damage assessment in urban environments. Remote Sensing, 12(15), [2409]. 

Nielsen, L. R. (2020). Danmark og Sverige bruger to vidt forskellige krisehåndbøger til at håndtere coronakrisen. 30. marts 2020, Dagbladet Information.

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Pereira, A., & Raju, E. (2020). The Politics of Disaster Risk Governance and Neo-extractivism in Latin America. Politics and Governance, 8(4). 

Raju, E. (2020). Walking Through The Virus. May 8, 2020.

Raju, E., & Ayeb-Karlsson, S. (2020). COVID-19: How do you self-isolate in a refugee camp? International Journal of Public Health (Print Edition), 65, 515-517. 

Raju, E. (2020). Five years post-Sendai: Where is the Sendai framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in the COVID-19 response? Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(4), 421-423. 

Raju, E. (Producer). (2020). Millions of lives at risk if Covid-19 hits slums and refugee camps. Sound/Visual production (digital), University of Copenhagen. 

Raju, E., & van Niekerk, D. (2020). Why do the impacts of COVID-19 and the response surprise the world? Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 12(1), [a1028]. 

Rolsted, M., & Raju, E. (2020). Addressing Capacities of Local Communities in a Changing Context in Nepal. Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(4), 485-495. 

Santos, P., Chmutina, K., von Meding, J., & Raju, E. (2020). Preface. In P. P. Santos, K. Chmutina, J. Von Meding, & E. Raju (Eds.), Understanding Disaster Risk: A Multidimensional Approach (pp. xix - xxii). Elsevier. 

Santos, P., Chmutina, K., von Meding, J., & Raju, E. (Eds.) (2020). Understanding Disaster Risk: A Multidimensional Approach. (1 ed.) Elsevier. 

Schmid, B., & Raju, E. (2020). Humanitarian Crisis and Complex Emergencies – Burden of Disease, Response, and Opportunities for Global Health. In R. Haring, I. Kickbusch, D. Ganten, & M. Moeti (Eds.), Handbook of Global Health (1 ed.). Springer. 

von Meding, J., Chmutina, K., Forino, G., & Raju, E. (2020). Introduction to the special issue on disrupting the status quo. Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(6), 829-830.



Baron, N., & Hoffmann, B. (2019). Borgere kan forebygge og afhjælpe oversvømmelser. Teknik & Miljoe, 2019(4), 22-24.

Kongsager, R. (2019). Kronik: Fik vi egentlig vores første klimavalg i 2019? 7 Oct. 2019. Altinget. 

Kongsager, R. (2019). Klimaændringernes utilsigtede konsekvenser rækker ud over naturen. 8 Jul. 2019. Dagbladet Information. 

Nielsen, L. R. (2019). Embracing and integrating spontaneous volunteers in emergency response – A climate related incident in Denmark. Safety Science, 120, 897–905.

Phelps, M. D., Simonsen, L., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2019). Individual and household exposures associated with cholera transmission in case-control studies: a systematic review. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 24(10), 1151-1168. 

Raju, E. (2019). Gender as Fundamental to Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: Experiences from South Asia. In C. Kinnvall, & H. Rydstrom (Eds.), Climate Hazards, Disasters and Gender Ramifications (1 ed.). [7] Routledge. Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change.

Rolsted, M., & Raju, E. (2019). Addressing Capacities of Local Communities in a Changing Context in Nepal. In Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2019: Contributing Paper. United Nations Publications. 

Sengupta, L., Tamason, C. C., Sultana, R., Tulsiani, S., Phelps, M., Gurley, E. S., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2019). The Cholera Phone: Diarrheal Disease Surveillance by Mobile Phone in Bangladesh. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 100(3), 510-516. 

Sultana, R., Tamason, C. C., Carstensen, L. S., Ferdous, J., Hossain, Z. Z., Begum, A., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2019). Water usage, hygiene and diarrhea in low-income urban communities - a mixed method prospective longitudinal study. MethodsX, 6, 2822-2837.


Albris, K. (2018). Disaster Governance and the Rise of Social Media: Ethnographic Perspectives from Germany. In: Sara Bonati, Lina M. Calandra, Giuseppe Forino (eds.), Governance of Risk, Hazards and Disasters: Trends in Theory and Practice. Oxon.: Routledge.

Albris, K. (2018). The switchboard mechanism: How social media connected citizens during the 2013 floods in Dresden. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 26(3), 350-357.

Bjerge, B., & Trifkovic, N. (2018). Extreme weather and demand for index insurance in rural India. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 45(3):397-431.

Clark, N. E. (2018). Gauging the Effectiveness of Soft Law in Theory and Practice: A Case Study of the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters. Air & Space Law, 43(1), 77.

Cullen, M. (2018) Eaten by the Sea: Human Rights Claims for the Impacts of Climate Change upon Remote Subnational Communities. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 9(2) 171.

Dahlberg, R., Vendelø, M., Sørensen, B., Lauta, K.C. (2018). Offshore is Onshore: Scalability, Speed and Synchronization in Arctic SAR. In: Case Studies in Disaster Response. Elsevier.

Hoffmann, B og Baron, N (2018). Borgere i beredskabet:  Håndtér oversvømmelser gennem øget samarbejde med borgere. Aalborg Universitet, Københavns Professionshøjskole og Vand i Byer.

Hossain, Z. Z., Farhana, I., Tulsiani, S. M., Jensen, P. K. M., & Begum, A. (2018). Transmission and toxigenic potential of Vibrio cholerae in Hilsha fish (Tenualosa ilisha) for human consumption in Bangladesh. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 222.

Hossain, Z. Z., Ferdous, J., Tulsiani, S., Jensen, P. K. M., & Begum A. (2018). Quantitative analysis of nucleic acid extraction methods for Vibrio cholerae using Real-time PCR and conventional PCR. Mymensingh medical journal: MMJ, 27(2), 327–335.

Illner, P. (2018), ‘The Locals do it best: The Epistemology of Occupy Sandy’, in R. Bell & R. Ficociello (eds.), Eco Culture: Disaster, Narrative, Discourse. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Klejnstrup, N., Buhl-Wiggers, J., Jones, S. and Rand, J. (2018). Early Life Malaria Exposure and Academic Performance. PLoS One, 13(6), e0199542.

Kongsager, R. (2018). Linking Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Review with Evidence from the Land-Use Sectors. Journal: Land, 7(4), 158.

Lauta, K.C., Vendelø, M.T., Sørensen, B.R, Dahlberg, R. (2018). “Conceptualizing Cold Disasters: Disaster Risk Governance at the Arctic Edge”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 1.

Lauta, K.C and Adriaan, P. (ed.) (2018) International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction “Shared Spirit, Different Design. Nordic Disaster Risk Reduction”

Lauta, K.C., Vendelø, M.T., Sørensen, B.R, Dahlberg, R. (2018). Conceptualizing Cold Disasters: Disaster Risk Governance at the Arctic Edge. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 1.

Lindeberg, Y. L., Egedal, K., Hossain, Z. Z., Phelps, M., Tulsiani, S., Farhana, I., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2018). Can escherichia coli fly? The role of flies as transmitters of e. coli to food in an urban slum in Bangladesh. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 23(1), 2-9.

Raju, E., Becker, P., & Tehler, H. (2018). Exploring interdepencies and common goals in disaster recovery coordination. Procedia Engineering, 212, 1002.

Rasmussen, M. B., & Lund, C. (2018). Reconfiguring Frontier Spaces: The territorialization of resource control. World Development, 101, 388-399.

Thorsen, L.M. (2018) Tre døde krager og andre naturting: Delvise forbindelser i John Olsens tidlige tegninger. In: R. Kjærboe (Eds.), Aftryk af liv - John Olsen, Ribe Kunstmuseum.

Thorsen, L.M. (2018) ‘Itadori and the aesthetics of a common weed’, In: K. Ito (Eds.) Moving Plants –Koichi Watanabe Exhibition, Shiseido Gallery Tokyo (forthcoming, the final book and text will be in Japanese).

Thorsen, L.M. (2018) ‘At svede i en rismark, og andre æstetiske erfaringer af natur’. In: C. Rubow & M. Gjerris, Naturens Sprog. Forlaget Eksistensen.







Albris, K. (2017): The Switchboard Mechanism: How Social Media Connected Citizens during the 2013 Floods in Dresden, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 1-8.

Albris, K. (2017). Disasters as Usual. The Public Life of Recurring Floods in Dresden, Faculty of Social Sciences.

Albris, K. (2017). Katastrofer, Klima, Mennesker: Notat om eksisterende viden, samt relevante aktører og løsninger i en dansk kontekst. Notat til RealDania. København, DK.

Broberg, M. (2017a). Risk Regulation and the Future: On the Need for Helping Vulnerable Societies to Adapt to the Consequences of Climate Change. European Journal of Risk Regulation, vol. 8 (1), 101-105.
DOI: 10.1017/err.2016.17

Broberg, M. (2017b) The Humanitarian Law Principle of Independence Versus the European Union’s Missionary Principle. Yearbook of European Law, vol. 36, 810–828.

Christoffersen, M. G. (2017). Risk, Danger, and Trust: Refining the Relational Theory of Risk. In Journal of Risk Research, 1-15.

Christoffersen, M. G. (2017). “Trust, Endangerment and Divine Vulnerability: An Interdisciplinary Conversation with Niklas Luhmann and K.E. Løgstrup.” Dialog: A Journal of Theology, 56 (4), 391–401.

Christoffersen, M. G. (2017). “Vulnerability and Risk.” In Heike Springhart and Günter Thomas (Eds.) Exploring Vulnerability, (243–56). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Christoffersen, M. G. (2017). Living with Risk and Danger. Studies in Interdisciplinary Systematic Theology, Faculty of Theology.

Clark, N. E. (2017). Towards a standard licensing scheme for the access and use of satellite earth observation data for disaster management. Acta Astronautica, 139, 325-331.

Clark, N. E. (2017). International for Satellite Earth Observation in Disaster Response: Exploring Legal and Operational Dynamics, Faculty of Law.

Coetzee, C., van Niekerk, D., & Raju, E. (2017). Reconsidering disaster resilience: a nonlinear systems paradigm in agricultural communities in Southern Africa. Natural Hazards, 90(2), 777-801

Dahlberg, R (2017) Do you have a Plan B? : Integrating adaptive capacities into infrastructure preparedness planning. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, s. 1-9.

Dahlberg, R. (2017). From Risk to Resilience. Challenging Predictability in Contemporary Disaster and Emergency Management Thinking, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences.

Dalgas, K. M. (2017). Translocal disaster interventions: the role of individual relief channels in Philippine disasters. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 1-8

Fisker, P, Ambel, A. A., Andrews, C., Khan, Q, Sohnesen, T. (2017). Small area estimation of child undernutrition in Ethiopian woredas. PLOS one. 12 (4).

Gregersen, N.H. (2017). “The Exploration of Ecospace: Extending or Supplementing the Neo-Darwinian Paradigm?”, Zygon: A Journal of Theology, 52(2), 561-586.

Gregersen, N.H. (2017). Positive Loss and Tragic Memory: On the Preservation of Community, Dialog: A Journal of Theology 56(4), 11-21.

Gregersen, N.H. and Reyes, Ciara (2017) Deep Incarnation & the Cosmos: A Conversation with Niels Henrik Gregersen, God & Nature. American Scientific Association, 1-4.

Holm I. W. (2017a) Den kommende kollaps: Den profetiske modus i Henrik Ibsens Brand. In: Kverndokk K (Eds), Kollaps. Norge, in print.

Holm I, W. (2017b) Drawing the Line: Zombies and Citizens in Heinrich von Kleist's 'The Earthquake in Chile'. In: Kjærgaard JR and Simonsen K-M (Eds), Discursive Framings of Human Rights: Negotiating Agency and Victimhood (169-181). London: Routledge.

Johannessen-Henry, C.T. (2017). Listening for Safe Places: Networks of Playing and Chalcedon in Disaster Pastoral Care, Dialog: A journal of Theology, 56 (4), 337-351

Lauta, K.C. (2017) When a Right is a Wrong, Journal of European Tort Law, 8 (3), 297-323.

Lauta, K.C., (2017) Dysfunction and Disruption: Disaster Risks and the Law, European Journal of Risk Regulation, 8, 83-87 (in Cambridge Inaugural Issue: The Past, Present and Future of Risk Regulation).

Lund, C. (2017). Predatory peace. Dispossession at Aceh’s oil palm frontier. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-22.

Lund, C. (2017) Rule and Rupture. State Formation Through the Production of Property and Citizenship. Special issue of Development and Change 47(6), 2016 (co-edited with M. Eilenberg). Book edition with: Wiley, London, 2017.

Mas, R. (2017). Apocalyptic Cinema and Earnest Thought of Death. Kierkegaard and Melancholia. Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona, double degree med Faculty of Humanities.

Phelps, Matthew David (2017). Inferences on the mechanism of V. cholerae transmission in outbreak settings using mathematical models and historic empirical data, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.

Phelps, M., Perner, M. L., Pitzer, V. E., Andreasen, V., Jensen, P. K., & Simonsen, L. (2017). Cholera epidemics of the past offer new insights into an old enemy. The Journal of infectious diseases, 217(4), 641- 649.

Phelps, M. D., Azman, A. S., Lewnard, J. A., Antillón, M., Simonsen, L., Andreasen, V., ... & Pitzer, V. E. (2017). The importance of thinking beyond the water-supply in cholera epidemics: A historical urban casestudy. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11(11).

Rashid, R. B., Ferdous, J., Tulsiani, S., Jensen, P. K. M., & Begum, A. (2017). Development and Validation of a Novel Real-time Assay for the Detection and Quantification of Vibrio cholerae. Frontiers in public health, 5, 109.

Thorsen, L. M., Vandsø, A. (2017). How to rediscover our ground after nature? A Conversation with Bruno Latour. In: E. G. Høyersten, A. M. Thomsen, J. V. Sevel, & A. Vandsø (ed.), The Garden: End of Times, Beginning of Times (s. 60-67). London: Walther König Verlag.

Thorsen, L. M., & Vandsø, A. (2017). Can we land on earth? – an interview with Bruno Latour. In: Thorsen, L.M. (red.), Moving Plants (143). Rønnebæksholm, Næstved: Narayana Press.

Thorsen, L.M. (ed.) (2017) Moving Plants / Planter i Bevægelse, Rønnebæksholm Næstved, Jul. 159 pp.







Albris, K., Dahlberg, R. & Jebens, M. (2016) After the Storm: Reconfiguration of Communities after the
Baltic Storm Surge of 1872. In: Deborah Simonton og Hannu Salmi (eds), Catastrophe, Gender and Urban
Experience, 1648–1920. Oxon.: Routledge.

Bjerge, B. A., Clark, N. E., Fisker, P. K., & Raju, E. (2016). Technology and information sharing in
disaster relief. PLOS ONE, 11(9).

Bjering, J. C. B., & Holm, I. W. (2016). The Dora Lange Archive: Jacques Derrida Watches True
Detective. The Journal of Popular Culture, 49(4), 705-721.

Broberg, M. (2016) Den Europæiske Union og udviklingslandene. Samfundslitteratur, 2016.

Coetzee, C., Van Niekerk, D., & Raju, E. (2016). Emergent system behaviour as a tool for understanding
disaster resilience: The case of Southern African subsistence agriculture. International Journal of Disaster
Risk Reduction, 16, 115-122.

Coetzee, C., Van Niekerk, D., and Raju, E. (2016). Disaster resilience and complex adaptive systems theory:
Finding common grounds for risk reduction, Disaster Prevention and Management, 25 (2), 196 - 211.

Dahlberg, R. (2016). Bridging the Gap: Preparing for Long-Term Infrastructure Disruptions, in: Nagurney,
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Dittrich, S., Rudgard, W.,Woods, K.L., Silisouk, J., Phuklia, W., Davong, V., Vongsouvath, M.,
Phommasone, K., SRattanavong, S., Knappik, M., Craig, S., Weier, S., Tulsiani, S., Dance, D., and Newton,
P. (2016). The utility of blood culture fluid for the molecular diagnosis of leptospira: A prospective
evaluation. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 94(4), 736-740.

Farhana, I., Hossain, Z. Z., Tulsiani, S. M., Jensen, P. K. M., & Begum, A. (2016). Survival of Vibrio
cholerae O1 on fomites. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 32(9), 146.

Ferdous, J., Hossain, Z. Z., Tulsiani, S., Rashid, R. B., Jensen, P. K. M., & Begum, A. (2016). Optimization
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Escherichia coli. Tropical Biomedicine, 33(4), 641-651.

Fisker, P. K. (2016). Measurement of the Causes and Consequences of Drought, Faculty of Science.

Graulund, R. (2016). Writing travel in the Anthropocene: disastrous life at the end of the Arctic. Studies in
Travel Writing, 20(3), 285-295.

Gregersen, N.H. (2014). J. Wentzel van Huyssteen: Exploring Venues for Interdisciplinary Theology,
Theology Today 72:2 (2015), 141-159.

Gregersen, N. H. (2014). Kan katastrofer forandres? Om katastrofens kultur og natur. TEOL-information,
2014(49), 23-26.

Gregersen, N. H. (2014). Prospects for the Field of Science and Religion: An Octopus View. Zygon:
Journal of Science and Religion, 49(2), 419-429.

Gregersen, N. H. (2014). Complexity and Theological Perspectives: An Interview. Interalia Magazine, 1(4),

Gregersen, N.H. (2014). Fra syndfloden til æstetikken, Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 77(2).

Gregersen, N.H. (2014). Er Grøn Kirke en god ide? – Ja!, Dansk Kirketidende, 166(2).
Henriksen,Jan-Olav and Gregersen, N.H. (2017). Endangered Selves and Societies: Towards a Theology of
Disaster, Dialog: A Journal of Theology, 56(4), 331-335.

Holm, I. W. (2016). Under Water within Thirty Years The Prophetic Mode in True Detective. BEHEMOTHA Journal on Civilisation, 9(1), 90-107.

Holm, I. W. (2016). Et hvidkalket, gudsforladt lys. Inger Christensens alfabet og katastrofen. European Journal of Scandinavian Studies, 46(1), 137-156.

Illner, P. (2016), Der Künstler als Whistleblower. Kartografie, Kapitalismus und cognitive mapping. In K. Busch (Eds.), Anderes Wissen: Kunstformen der Theorie (283-315). Paderborn: Fink Verlag.

Illner, P. (2016). Disaster in Crisis. Social Reproduction Struggles during the Long American Downturn, Faculty of Humanities.

Johannessen-Henry, C. T. (2016). The Materiality of Presence: Psycho-Theological Entanglement of
Objects in Disaster Pastoral Care. Journal of Pastoral Theology, 26(3), 195-214.

Johannessen-Henry, C.T. (2016). Sjælesorg for tabets ’vi’: Hverdagstroens heterodokse undergrund i
teologisk ortodoksi, Kritisk Forum for Praktisk Teologi, ”Levet tro”, (146), 41-57.

Johannessen-Henry, C.T. & Birch, P. (2016). Levet tro – pejlemærker teologisk set, Kritisk Forum for
Praktisk Teologi, Levet tro, 146, 1.

Lauta, K.C., Rytter, J.E. (2016) A Landslide on a Mudslide? Natural Hazards and the Right to Life under
the European Convention on Human Rights, Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 7(2), 111-131.

Lauta, K.C. (2016). Human Rights and Natural Disasters. In Breau, S. and Samuel, K. (Eds), Disasters and
International Law, Edward Elgar.

Lauta, K.C. & Faure, M. (2016) Disaster Risk Management. In: Zinn et al (Eds), Handbook for Risk Studies
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Lauta, K.C. (2016) What’s the Price of a Polar Bear? Compensating Environmental Damages in the Arctic.
In Møllmann et al (Eds), Responsibilities and liabilities when exploiting natural resources in the Arctic – the
example of Greenland. Routledge.

Lund, C. (2016). Rule and rupture: state formation through the production of property and
citizenship. Development and Change, 47(6), 1199-1228.

Lund, C., & Rachman, N. F. (2016). Occupied! Property, citizenship and peasant movements in rural
Java. Development and Change, 47(6), 1316-1337.

Nurman, A., & Lund, C. (2016). On track. Spontaneous privatization of public urban land in Bandung,
Indonesia. South East Asia Research, 24(1), 41-60.

Raju, E. (2016). Disaster Recovery and the Resilience Narrative: Where is Vulnerability?. Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Building Resilience held at Auckland, New Zealand 7th - 9th September

Stacey, P., & Lund, C. (2016). In a state of slum: governance in an informal urban settlement in Ghana. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 54(4), 591-615.

Stenmark, M., & Gregersen, N. H. (2016). Naturalism and Beyond: Religious Naturalism and Its Alternatives.

Tamason, C. C., Tulsiani, S. M., Siddique, A. K., Hoque, B. A., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2016). What is
cholera? A preliminary study on caretakers’ knowledge in Bangladesh. Journal of Health, Population and
Nutrition, 35(1), 3.

Tamason, C. C., Bessias, S., Villada, A., Tulsiani, S. M., Ensink, J. H., Gurley, E. S., & Mackie Jensen, P.
K. (2016). Measuring domestic water use: a systematic review of methodologies that measure unmetered
water use in low‐income settings. Tropical medicine & international health, 21(11), 1389-1402.

Thorsen, L.M. (2016). #Hjælp mig! – Sociale medier i Japan før under og efter 3.11, In: Borup, J. Platz, A.
Hansen, A.S. (Eds.), Japan I Bevægelse. Aarhus: Forlaget Univers.

Thorsen, L. M. (2016). The Energy Walk: Experimenting with Aesthetic Methods in STS?. Science as
Culture, 25(1), 141-148.

Thorsen, L. M., & Blok, A. (2016). Reset Latour! EASST Review, 35(2).

Varga, S. (2016). Exploitation, Vulnerability, and Market‐Driven Governance. Journal of Social
Philosophy, 47(1), 90-113.








Alfani, F., Dabalen, A., Fisker, P., Molini, V. (2015). Vulnerability to Malnutrition in the West African Sahel.
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Alfani, F., Dabalen, A., Fisker, P., Molini, V. (2015). Can We Measure Resilience? A Proposed Method and
Evidence from Countries in the Sahel. Policy Research Working Paper; No. 7170. World Bank Group,
Washington, DC.

Alves, E. (2015). The Specter of Chernobyl: An Ontology of Risk. In: Gil, I. C., Wulf, C., (Eds.), Hazardous Futures. De Gruyter. Stockholm: Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, SIEPS, 127-136.

Christoffersen, M. G. (2015). En teologi for risiko og fare. TEOL-information, 2015(2), 41-44.

Christoffersen, M. G. (2015). Katastrofens dogmatik. Kritisk Forum for Praktisk Teologi, Katastrofens teologi (141), 107-117.

Clark, N.E. (2015). Imagery and Expectations for International Disaster Response. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 48, No. 4, 985-1002.

Dahlberg, R. (2015). Resilience and Complexity: Conjoining the Discourses of Two Contested Concepts. Culture Unbound, 7, 541-557.

Dahlberg, R. (2015). Cracks in the past. Historical approaches to disaster research. IN: Dahlberg, R., Rubin, O. & Vendelø M.T. (Eds.), Disaster Research: Multidisciplinary and international perspectives, (21-33). Routledge.

Dahlberg, R. (2015). Forudsigelighedens sammenbrud. In: Risk Management Håndbogen. Forlaget Andersen.

Dahlberg, R. Guay, F. (2015). Creating resilient SMEs: is business continuity management the answer? Sustainable Development, 2, 975-983.

Dahlberg, R. Johannesen-Henry, C.T., E. Raju, S. Tulsiani (2015). Resilience in Disaster Research: three versions. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 32, 44-54.

Dahlberg, R., Rubin, O., Vendelø, M. (2015) Disaster Research: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives, Routledge.

Dittrich, S., Rattanavong, S., Lee, S. J., Panyanivong, P., Craig, S. B, Tulsiani, S., Blacksell, S. D., Dance,
D. A. B., Dubot-Pérès, A., Sengduangphachanh, A., Phoumin, P., Paris, D. H., Newton, P. N. (2015). Orientia, rickettsia, and leptospira pathogens as causes of CNS infections in Laos: a prospective study. The Lancet Global Health, 3(2), 104-112.

Fisker, P., Hansen, H. and Rand, J. (2015). Disaster Financing in a Developing Country Context. Vendelø, M. T., Rubin, O., Dahlberg, R. (Eds.), Disaster Research: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives. London-New York: Routledge.

Grant, S. L., Tamason, C. C., Hoque, B. A., & Jensen, P. K. M. (2015). Drinking cholera: salinity levels and palatability of drinking water in coastal Bangladesh. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 20(4), 455-461.

Grant, S. L., Tamason, C. C. & Jensen, P. K. M. (2015). Climatization: A critical perspective of framing disasters as climate change events. Climate Risk Management, 10, 27-34.

Graulund, R. (2015). The Zombie Tropocalypse: Entropic (Digital) Disaster in the Hot Zone. In: Vasconceloss. G. T. & Edwards, J. D. (Eds.), Tropical Gothic: The Americas. London: Routledge.

Gregersen, N.H. (2015). “Theology and Disasters Studies: From ‘Acts of God’ to Divine Presence”, Dahlberg, R., Rubin, O. and Vendelø, M.T. (Eds), Disaster Research: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives (34-48). London-New York: Routledge.

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