COPE Seminar: Policy Making during Crises

Join us as professors Petridou and Sparf present their new book “Policy Entrepreneurs, Crises, and Policy Change”, published by Cambridge University Press. Six case studies are examined on how policy entrepreneurs navigate crises, offering valuable insights for crisis managers and policymakers.
Evangelia Petridou and Jörgen Sparf are both Associate Professors at the Mid Sweden University.
Please register for the event here.
From their book's summary:
"Increasingly, policymaking takes place while extraordinary events threaten fundamental societal values. During turbulent times, policy entrepreneurs emerge as pivotal figures. They are energetic actors who pursue dynamic change in public policy and, whereas we know much about how they promote innovation and change in normal policymaking, we know less about how they behave in crises, and even less about how different crises influence policy entrepreneurial action. This Element focuses on interaction between policy entrepreneurs and crises. It analyzes policy entrepreneurial action in six case studies – three fast-burning and three creeping crises – to ascertain policy entrepreneurs’ strategies and effectiveness during extraordinary events. It proposes crisis policy entrepreneurial strategies, a framework to understand outcomes based on policy entrepreneurial action and type of crisis and suggests avenues for further research on policy entrepreneurs and crises, including implications for crisis managers. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core."